Anne Frank House - Museum, Amsterdam

Growing up, I like so many young girls read Anne Frank's diary and  could not help but feel completely devastated by the fact that this young girl lost her life, so visiting her house was an incredible experience for me, and being able to see where Anne actually lived and walking around her house made the situation more real than ever. 

Anne Frank, a young jewish girl who touched the world with her diary has left her legacy behind and people all over the world know her story. It is also quite ironic that Anne wanted to become a writer and had intended on publishing her diary after the war was over. The tour started with a brief history of the Franke family by the tour guide and then continued with us visiting the entire house, reading signs and watching videos throughout. The year 2017, also marked the 70 years since her diary was published by her father Otto Franke and her diary has also been translated in over 70 languages. Anne Franke still remains and inspiration for all.  This was with a doubt the best part of my trip to Amsterdam.  

This photo was taken inside the building where Otto Franke, her father worked and this is where our guided tour began. We listened attentively to the story of the Franke family and got more insight into what Anne was like growing up.

This is a photo I took with the statue of Anne Franke outside the museum. 
